Bat Monitoring


Kristin Henderson and Frank McLaughlin monitoring bats

The bat monitoring project has kicked off in earnest. For more information, contact Barbara E.

Results from Rust Monitoring:

in 45 minutes of monitoring:
187 Total Bats id’d. This is the most id’d in any location so far.
90  Big Brown Bat   Eptesicus fuss
  2  Eastern Red Bats.  Lasiurus borealis
37. Hoary Bats. Lasiurus cinereus
58  Silver-haired bats  Laisonycteris noctivagans

Dates for monitoring:

6/13 – Wednesday – IWLA Field
6/15 – Friday – Rust Sanctuary Pond
6/17 – Sunday- IWLA Pond
6/20 – IWLA Field
6/22 – Rust Sanctuary Pond
6/24 – IWLA Pond
6/27 – IWLA Field
6/29 – Rust Sanctuary Pond
7/1 – IWLA Pond
7/4 – IWLA Field


Sign up for the Fall Class

FacebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmailApplications are being accepted for the 2017 training program. Classes are led by experts and meet two Saturdays a month from September 2017 through April 2018.  Each class will cover one or two topics such as local plants, mammals, birds, trees, fish, mammals, soils, weather and more, and typically include field exercises to further explore the subject discussed in the classroom.

The classes are held at Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve, at 21085 The Woods Road in Leesburg. The is open to those older 18 years old. See the course schedule. For more information, call 703-669-0889.Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

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