Fall 2018 Newsletter

Read our latest newsletter to find out about upcoming volunteer opportunities, read articles by other members and the latest info from our committees.
Read it here .
Kristin Henderson and Frank McLaughlin monitoring bats
The bat monitoring project has kicked off in earnest. For more information, contact Barbara E.
Results from Rust Monitoring:
Dates for monitoring:
6/13 – Wednesday – IWLA Field6/15 – Friday – Rust Sanctuary Pond6/17 – Sunday- IWLA Pond6/20 – IWLA Field6/22 – Rust Sanctuary Pond6/24 – IWLA Pond6/27 – IWLA Field6/29 – Rust Sanctuary Pond7/1 – IWLA Pond7/4 – IWLA Field
Get your latest newsletter here: https://www.vmnbansheereeks.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Bug_Bytes_Newsletter_Spring_2018_v3.pdf
The winter newsletter has been released and can be found here:
It contains a couple book reviews, articles on Skunk Cabbage and Sandhill Cranes and a great article on the Kestrel and Barn Owl Nestbox Construction project (also included in our annual report).
Check out the fall edition to find out more about the Christmas Bird Counts, the Banshee Reeks outdoor classroom, upcoming volunteer and CE opportunities and general chapter happenings.
Applications are being accepted for the 2017 training program. Classes are led by experts and meet two Saturdays a month from September 2017 through April 2018. Each class will cover one or two topics such as local plants, mammals, birds, trees, fish, mammals, soils, weather and more, and typically include field exercises to further explore the subject discussed in the classroom.
The classes are held at Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve, at 21085 The Woods Road in Leesburg. The is open to those older 18 years old. See the course schedule. For more information, call 703-669-0889.
We’ve extended the deadline for photo submission to the 2017 Statewide VMN Photo Contest, to this Friday, July 21! We’re looking for interesting and creative pictures to represent the Banshee Reeks Chapter in the upcoming contest at the VMN Statewide Conference.
Chapters may submit one photo each to three separate categories:
If you think you have what it takes to represent the Banshee Reeks Chapter, please submit your digital photos to vmnbansheereeks@gmail.com and include the following:
The VMN Board will choose one photo for each category, and those photos will go on to represent Banshee Reeks Chapter in the contest.
Due Date Extended to Friday, July 21! Submit your photos Today!
Everyone is invited to the Bee Outdoors Festival at Banshee Reeks!
Click here for a Google Map to get directions.